Welcome to my technology blog

I’m James and this is my blog.

I like to reflect on travel technology problems and look at common technology issues and discuss solutions which I hope you find interesting.

About me

I’ve been working with travel technology since 1998 with a startup I founded. My first client was a company called Pavilion Tours, and that’s where my fascination with technology and travel began.

Several businesses and startups later, I’ve worked with a number of different travel companies and agencies who have focused in the travel technology space.

Originally a developer and a systems architect, I now manage teams of software experts and provide consultation, solution design, transformation and technical governance . I specialise in the bridge between commercial and technology, taking the perspective of the user vs the technology most of the time.

Since 2021 Sustainability has become a focus of my MSc Studies, and as a result I have shifted my focus towards enabling sustainability technologies.

I work at Weeva as their CTO. I joined in 2023 to design, develop and implement a robust roadmap to position Weeva as a technical innovator in the sustainability space for hospitality.

I like to challenge, and understand the “why”. Only when you can understand the problem can we really look to solve it. I also like to inspire, excite and mentor my team.

Outside of work, I run around after my kids, and enjoy the craziness they bring! I like to run, and also travel to different places. More about my travels here

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