How RPA Can Drive Efficiencies in Business Operations

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations are continually seeking ways to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve accuracy. One transformative solution gaining traction is Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Platforms like Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and Blue Prism are leading the charge in revolutionising how businesses operate by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This blog explores how RPA can drive efficiencies in business and why it is becoming a cornerstone of modern enterprise strategy.

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Investing in LLMs to Future-Proof Your Digital Operations

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, businesses and organisations are under constant pressure to stay ahead of the curve. One of the most effective ways to future-proof digital operations is by investing in Large Language Models (LLMs). These advanced AI systems, like GPT-4, are transforming how we interact with technology, enabling more efficient, adaptable, and intelligent digital ecosystems. This article explores why investing in LLMs is crucial for ensuring the longevity and competitiveness of your digital operations.

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What I Learned Attending the MSc in Digital Transformation with the University of Hull

As someone who likes to try to continuously push myself to learn, I enrolled in a masters in Digital Transformation at the University of Hull, to really help me understand the business aspect of digital transformation. Although demanding at times, it has been a remarkable journey. Here’s what I learned:

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Harnessing Blockchain for Transparent Sustainability Reporting

In recent years, sustainability has become a crucial aspect of corporate responsibility, with stakeholders increasingly demanding transparency in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. However, traditional sustainability reporting methods often suffer from issues like data manipulation, lack of standardisation, and limited traceability. Blockchain technology offers a promising solution to these challenges by delivering enhanced transparency, accuracy, and trust in sustainability reporting.

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Takeaways from WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2022

My takeaways from WeAreDevelopers

AI development helpers

GitHub announced copilot, a plug-in to your IDE which will predict and write code for you. They predict this could save a developer unto 40% on common code problems, and in the next 5 years could effectively write 80%.

The other speakers didn’t really align with this but its an interesting concept, if we’re all resolving the same types of issues, it doesn’t take long before there is a design pattern or best practise to develop the solution – the complexity is making those design patterns work with our codebase.

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Is it me or has Apple missed some key use cases for their continuity camera feature in OS Ventura and ios16?

Apple presented yesterday at WWDC22 their new continuity feature, which allows you to use an iPhone as a wireless webcam.

Image source: Apple.

We all know MacBook’s dont have the best front facing camera (2MP), they’re fine but not ground breaking – they may be good for light balance but they’re easily overshadowed by the iPhone rear facing cameras. This looks nice, but I can’t see myself strapping my phone to my MacBook just to increase quality any time soon. Although their top down desk view (for desktops was quite neat though)

What apple missed.

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Unlock the potential in your existing database with a customer data platform and rebalance your google ad spend.

Google Ads is an effective way of acquiring customers, but businesses often forget that they have great potential in the data they already have. Google has become the Amazon of marketing, it’s the go to place to capture leads and increase sales. More Ads = More leads = More conversions = More Sales.

Where this is effective, it bears a cost. As more agencies compete, the cost per click increases for the same consumer, the conversion drops, and the only real winner is Google.

With an average cost per acquisition of £50+, there are other ways to increase sales.

Customer Data Platforms. Know your customer.

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Travel agencies use Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to save money

Travel agents often book outside of the corporate booking engine. A good example of this is Ryanair or easyJet flights, and other tour operators or dmcs, who may give negotiated rates over the phone.

These manually booked elements, bear risks. Risk of typos, date errors, risk of incorrect costs. If left un-checked these bear a liability to travel agencies.

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