How to harness IoT and Building Management Systems for Environmental Sustainability

image of a lobby
Photo by Quark Studio from Pexels:

The pressing need to address climate change has placed environmental sustainability at the forefront of corporate agendas. Buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2020). As urbanisation accelerates, these figures are poised to rise unless decisive action is taken. Integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) with advanced Building Management Systems (BMS) presents a significant opportunity to enhance energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

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What sustainability frameworks and technologies should you consider when building new properties?

As global concerns about climate change and environmental degradation intensify, the construction and real estate industries face mounting pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Building new properties is no longer just about architectural brilliance or prime locations; it’s about integrating sustainability at every stage of development. This shift is not only environmentally imperative but also economically beneficial in the long run. This article explores the critical sustainability frameworks and cutting-edge technologies that developers and builders should consider to meet both current and future demands.

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Are Investors Prepared to Invest to Make a Business More Sustainable?

As the global push for sustainability intensifies, businesses are increasingly under pressure to align their operations with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. The idea of planet before profit is becoming more than just a corporate slogan—it is evolving into a guiding principle for how companies must operate in a rapidly changing world. Investors, too, are playing a pivotal role in this transition, with more capital being directed towards sustainable enterprises. However, the question remains: are investors truly prepared to invest more to make a business sustainable, especially when it requires significant upfront costs, long-term commitments, and, in today’s world, the added risks of economic uncertainty?

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Why “Sustainability” is Often Misinterpreted: A Perspective

The term “sustainability” has become ubiquitous in business, government, and society discussions, but its broad usage often leads to misinterpretation. Companies and individuals alike grapple with understanding what sustainability truly encompasses.

From my experience working at Weeva and observing the industry, I’ve seen that sustainability is frequently viewed through a limited lens, which undermines its potential for driving comprehensive change.

gpt generated image of the 3 pillars of sustainability

This article explores why sustainability is often misunderstood, focusing on three key dimensions: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social sustainability. Together, they form the core pillars of a sustainable strategy, yet their true meanings and interdependencies are often overlooked or oversimplified.

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The Biggest Blockers to Sustainability in the Travel Industry

Sustainability has become a pressing issue across all industries, and the travel sector is no exception. The tourism and travel industry, which includes airlines, cruise lines, hotels, and tour operators, has a significant impact on the environment, contributing to carbon emissions, resource depletion, and waste generation.

As the world becomes increasingly aware of these impacts, there is a growing call for the travel industry to adopt more sustainable practices. However, despite the urgent need and apparent willingness from some stakeholders to drive change, the pace of sustainability adoption remains slow. This article explores the biggest blocker to sustainability adoption in the travel industry: economic incentives and the industry’s entrenched business model.

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Overcoming Barriers to Net-Zero in the Hospitality Industry.

The hospitality industry faces several perceived and actual barriers to achieving net-zero and embracing sustainability. Despite growing consumer demand for eco-friendly options and heightened awareness of climate change, many businesses in this sector are hesitant to implement sustainability strategies due to perceived high costs, lack of standardised regulations, limited access to sustainable technology, and challenges in supply chain management. However, evidence suggests that sustainable technologies can offer a return on investment (ROI) within ten years or less, indicating that financial concerns may be more about perception than reality. This post provides a detailed analysis of these challenges and offers strategic recommendations to help hospitality businesses overcome these limitations and advance towards net-zero goals.

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The Role of Travel Agents in Driving Sustainability

As the travel industry faces mounting pressure to adopt sustainable practices, much of the focus has traditionally been on destination providers, such as hotels, airlines, and local tour operators. These stakeholders are often seen as the primary actors responsible for managing natural resources, reducing waste, and minimising their environmental footprint. However, travel agents—who serve as trusted advisors and planners for countless travellers—also play a crucial role in promoting sustainability within the sector. With their unique position in the travel ecosystem, independent travel agents can influence traveller choices, adopt sustainable practices in their operations, and educate clients about the importance of sustainable and slow travel.

This article explores the critical role independent travel agents play in driving sustainability, promoting slow travel, and the steps they can take to contribute meaningfully to a more sustainable travel industry.

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Airbus’s Hybrid A320: Paving the Path to Sustainable Aviation

Back in June I wrote an theoretical article about how Hybrid engines in aviation could help reduce radiative forcing (and essentially carbon) – see Exploring the Viability of Hybrid Neo Engines. In reading through news I was thrilled to see that Airbus has been developing this using smaller motors and newer battery technology.

Airbus has unveiled plans to integrate a series of small electric motors into its first hybrid airliner.

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Greenwashing to Genuine: How the EU is Transforming Green Claims and reshaping OTA Practices


In an era of heightened environmental consciousness, businesses increasingly seek to showcase their commitment to sustainability. However, this surge in green marketing has also led to the proliferation of misleading environmental claims, known as “greenwashing.” To address this, the European Union (EU) introduced the Green Claims Directive, which ensures transparency, accuracy, and accountability in green marketing. A recent notable impact of this directive is seen in’s adjustment of its green leaf certification following an EU challenge. This blog explores the EU Green Claims Directive, its significance, and how it has influenced’s practices.

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Sustainability in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0: Bridging Technological Evolution and Environmental Responsibility


The advent of Industry 4.0 has revolutionised the manufacturing landscape, introducing a new era of smart factories where cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing converge. As this industrial paradigm continues to evolve, the focus is gradually shifting towards Industry 5.0, which emphasises human-centric approaches and sustainable practices. This blog explores the origins and development of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, highlighting their implications for sustainability in modern manufacturing.

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