Airbus’s Hybrid A320: Paving the Path to Sustainable Aviation


Back in June I wrote an theoretical article about how Hybrid engines in aviation could help reduce radiative forcing (and essentially carbon) – see Exploring the Viability of Hybrid Neo Engines. In reading through news I was thrilled to see that Airbus has been developing this using smaller motors and newer battery technology.

Airbus has unveiled plans to integrate a series of small electric motors into its first hybrid airliner.

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Greenwashing to Genuine: How the EU is Transforming Green Claims and reshaping OTA Practices


In an era of heightened environmental consciousness, businesses increasingly seek to showcase their commitment to sustainability. However, this surge in green marketing has also led to the proliferation of misleading environmental claims, known as “greenwashing.” To address this, the European Union (EU) introduced the Green Claims Directive, which ensures transparency, accuracy, and accountability in green marketing. A recent notable impact of this directive is seen in’s adjustment of its green leaf certification following an EU challenge. This blog explores the EU Green Claims Directive, its significance, and how it has influenced’s practices.

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Insights from Phocuswright Europe 2024: You, Me, and the Machine

Attending Phocuswright Europe 2024 was a transformative experience, immersing me in the latest trends, technologies, and innovations shaping the future of travel and hospitality. This year’s event, held in the vibrant city of Barcelona, gathered industry leaders, tech innovators, and forward-thinking professionals to discuss the evolving landscape of travel. Here’s a rundown of the key takeaways and lessons I learned during this remarkable conference.

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Why travel needs a specific sustainability framework

Travel and tourism are integral parts of our lives, providing opportunities for leisure, exploration, and cultural exchange. However, they also pose significant challenges to sustainability. The industry’s unique characteristics—variable occupancy, integration of leisure and restaurant services, and consolidation by tour operators and travel agents—necessitate a specific sustainability framework to ensure consistent and meaningful reporting.

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The Broken System of Sustainability Certification: A Call for Third-Party Auditing and Real-Time Data Disclosure

In an era where sustainability has become a corporate buzzword, the certification systems designed to ensure environmentally responsible practices are under increasing scrutiny. While the intention behind these certifications is commendable, the current system is fraught with inconsistencies, lack of transparency, and potential conflicts of interest. To genuinely progress towards a sustainable future, the industry needs a robust overhaul: third-party auditing supported by real-time data disclosure.

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Harnessing Blockchain for Transparent Sustainability Reporting

In recent years, sustainability has become a crucial aspect of corporate responsibility, with stakeholders increasingly demanding transparency in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. However, traditional sustainability reporting methods often suffer from issues like data manipulation, lack of standardisation, and limited traceability. Blockchain technology offers a promising solution to these challenges by delivering enhanced transparency, accuracy, and trust in sustainability reporting.

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Bridging the Say-Do Gap: Encouraging Sustainable Holiday Choices

The modern consumer is increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their actions, including their travel habits. Sustainable tourism has garnered significant attention, yet a substantial gap remains between consumers’ expressed intentions and their actual behaviours—a phenomenon known as the say-do gap. Addressing this discrepancy is critical to fostering a genuinely sustainable travel culture. But how can we close this gap? Let’s explore the multifaceted approach needed to encourage more sustainable holiday choices.

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Embracing Holistic Sustainability: The Key to Future Success in the Travel Industry

In today’s rapidly evolving travel landscape, sustainability is no longer a mere buzzword; it is a fundamental driver of long-term success. Travel companies that embrace a holistic approach to sustainability, grounded in a clear sense of purpose, are better positioned to thrive in the future. This post explores why a purpose-driven, holistic sustainability strategy is essential for businesses in the travel industry aiming to secure their future.

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Exploring the Viability of Hybrid Neo Engines and Their Potential to Lower Radiative Forcing

The aviation industry has long been under scrutiny for its significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and the ensuing radiative forcing, which exacerbates global warming. As the world seeks greener alternatives, the concept of hybrid engines, particularly for the new generation of engines like the Neo engines, has gained attention. This blog explores whether the development of hybrid Neo engines could be viable and how they might help reduce radiative forcing.

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Hydrogen in Commercial Air Travel: A Lofty Dream or Grounded Reality?

The aviation industry, like many others, is under increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact. Amidst various innovative solutions, hydrogen has been hailed as a potential game-changer for sustainable air travel. However, despite its promise, the practical challenges associated with hydrogen, particularly its volumetric energy density compared to traditional aviation fuel, make its widespread adoption in commercial air travel unlikely in the near future. Let’s delve into the mathematics behind this assessment.

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